I've been procrastinating horribly with moving the last of my bonsai posts to their new domain, but over the last couple of days I've decided to get the work finished once and for all so that I can turn my attention to working on my trees and writing new posts.
What's been slowing me down is the need to change the watermarks on my photos. While working on that a little while ago, I decided to experiment with the photo I used in a post titled A Visitor to the Bonsai Garden.
The post is about a beautiful grasshopper that I discovered on one of my trees a few months ago. He was quite the most colourful grasshopper I've ever seen, and yet when I opened that photo today I couldn't help wondering what it would look like in Noir.
I really liked the result, but I felt it was a little too quirky for that blog. If you'd like to see what he looks like in colour, you can see him there. There's a video too!
Linking up with Nature Notes, Black and White View and The Weekend in Black and White.
Hello, it is a cool image of the grasshopper. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!
ReplyDeleteI enjoy finding insects and photographing them too. This grasshopper was so colorful and so relaxed in your video. Perfect for Nature Notes.... Thank you.. Michelle
ReplyDeleteHe's so cute and very mysterious-looking like this!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful photo.
ReplyDeleteGreat image!
ReplyDeleteAn incredibly handsome fellow in colour, but I rather like the light in this, and the lovely patterns.
ReplyDeleteGreat shot, thanks for linking up!
ReplyDeleteThat is a great shot and I really love the harsh contrast