Friday, 27 May 2016

The Palm Before the Storm

In January I needed a photo of clouds for an online challenge. As the rules dictated that the photo had to be taken during that week, I kept my eyes open for something interesting in my immediate surroundings and discovered some interesting cloud activity around a palm tree growing in my next-door neighbours' garden. This was the resulting image.

In the weeks that followed I decided to see if I could get an interesting time lapse video of the cloud activity around that tree, so I set up my video camera on a tripod, in hope that the weather would cooperate.

After a few false starts during which my camera setting were way off what was required, I finally got the technical side sorted out. One sunny afternoon I set the camera up and left it to film unattended while I got on with other things. After I while I was starting to despair of getting anything worthwhile as there wasn't a cloud in the sky.

Then, as it typical of Johannesburg weather, things changed very quickly, and the result was a video in which there were heavy rain and a few bolts of lightning. If my memory serves me correctly we had hail too, though it's not apparent from this footage.

Linking to Skywatch Friday, Blue Monday and The Ultimate Rabbit Hole.


  1. Lovely image. I enjoyed the time lapse film too.

    1. Thanks for watching the video, Joyful.

  2. Can't beat the beauty of a palm against a dramatic sky! Love your title :-)

    1. Thank you. I'm lucky to have this one right outside my bedroom window, so I get to see it every day.

  3. Terrific picture. I've just booked a flight to Johannesburg so I will look out for tat palm while I'm there!

    Visit Keith's Skywatch!

    1. Hi Keith. You may not see too many palms while you're here, but you'll see a LOT of other trees.

  4. I see the fabulous Africa skies didn't let you down Gina, you captured a super shot for your challenge here.. sometimes I really miss those wonderful skies!

  5. I see the fabulous Africa skies didn't let you down Gina, you captured a super shot for your challenge here.. sometimes I really miss those wonderful skies!

    1. Thanks for your comment, PerthDailyPhoto. Those skies can be beautiful, but they can turn nasty really quickly too. I've never been to Australia, but I'm sure it have plenty of its own beauty to offer.

  6. Nice shot! Loved the video. Pretty cool.
