Thursday 19 May 2016

The Crab

Sometimes strange creatures turn up in the most unexpected places.

Way back in 2010 I came across this little guy lurking among my bonsai trees. Night was falling and I was forced to use on-camera flash, but I was determined to get the shot. It was a wise decision because by morning he'd vanished and I've never seen him or one of his relations since. I still wonder where he came from as there are no bodies of water anywhere near where I live.

When I chose this old photo for today's post I decided to re-edit it as I'd like to think my editing skills have improved over the last six years. I'm glad I did because viewing the photo at 100% magnification I discovered a tiny surprise. I always assumed that the white spot next to his eye was a reflection caused by the flash, but I was mistaken.

It's actually a tiny little snail!

If you would like to use this image, you can download a high resolution copy free of charge at


  1. I have enjoyed looking at your photos. This one is delightful as are the rest but I wanted to comment on the surprise you found, as in the tiny snail. One of the many delights in photography are the little surprises.

    1. Thanks Denise. What surprises me is that it took six years for me to discover that snail.
