Tuesday 14 June 2016


I love photography, but growing bonsai trees is my passion.

Although I've taken the art of bonsai seriously for nearly nine years now, I don't regard myself as an expert. Despite that, in December 2015 I decided to share my bonsai experiences in a blog. Unfortunately things aren't looking too promising at my chosen host, so I decided to move that blog to a Blogspot domain. I've just spent several hours setting up that blog and republishing a few of my early posts.

It's proving to be quite a time-consuming process and I haven't had time to look at any photos that aren't related to bonsai today, so I thought I'd share this image of one of my trees as my photo of the day.

This is a little tree that I started as a cutting about nine years ago, shortly before I joined my club. It's far from being my best tree, but I love it because it's one of the trees that started me on the journey to where I am today. It doesn't look like this right now because I've left it to grow wild in the hope of improving its structure in the future.

Linking up with Our World TuesdayNF Tree n Bushes and Tuesday's Treasures.


  1. What a treat to have you here at Tuesday's Treasures. I'm a plant guy who has been in the nursery business for 48 years, but I lack the patience for the art of bonsai. Bill Valavanis of the International Bonsai
    Is a local friend of mine. Thanks for sharing one of your bonsai treasures this week.Please stop back again.

    1. I don't have much patience either. That's why I've got more trees than I know what to do with. Thanks for the link to Bill Valavanis's site. I can only dream of having trees of that quality one day.

  2. What a wonderful Bonsai. I considered buying one once but I'm not good with plants in pots & would probably kill it eventually. Plus they were quite expensive to buy just to end up dead...

  3. lol, I tried this once long ago and failed miserably :) Love this little tree :)
