Saturday 4 June 2016

Get me out of here!

About a half hour from where I live there's a quaint little shopping centre in an area that isn't quite city but isn't quite country either. In front of the centre there's a busy road, while behind it there is empty land.

Round back there's a section with a few animals. While most of them are in fenced off areas, the chickens have always been allowed to roam around freely. In the past I used to spend a lot of time there and I always found it a nerve-racking experience to watch mother hen walking through the parking lot with her tiny chicks following behind her. I'm still amazed that I never saw any of them get killed by a car.

When they were out of harm's way I loved to watch them and often took photos. Here's one of the mothers with her little ones.

On one occasion I was lucky enough to see something a bit different - one of the hens had climbed up a tree. In this photo she seems to be saying "Get me out of here!"

Don't be misled though, she seems perfectly comfortable in this shot taken only moments later:

Linking up with The Bird D'Pot, Saturday's Critters, Camera Critters and Saturday Show Off.


  1. Hello, the chicken and chicks are so adorable. Cute photos! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  2. Haha i can relate with those so well. In our house inthe province my 86 year old mother has pets like them. Normally they roam around and sometimes some chicks are taken by crows, while the mother gets into frenzy not knowing what to do. We pity the hen.

  3. This is amazing!! Right near a shopping center...incredible.

    Thanks so much for linking in at I'd Rather B Birdin'. The post was wonderful. Your photos are terrific for all of us birders this weekend!!
