Wednesday 1 June 2016

Building a Sign

Rather than dig into my archives, today I specifically went out looking for a photo for the weekly meme "Signs, signs". I confess I didn't expect to find anything interesting as I didn't leave myself much time, but I was determined to keep my eyes open just in case something suitable presented itself. As it turns out, today was my lucky day.

We were already sitting down at a restaurant waiting for our dinner when I spotted some activity around a nearby sign. On closer inspection I noticed that these two workers were actually placing the missing letters on the sign in question.

I'm convinced that had I not been looking for a photo of a sign, I wouldn't even have noticed what they were doing.

Linking up with Signs, signs.


  1. As you think, you will receive. This certainly seems like a serendipitous moment. :)

    1. It certainly was one. I obviously need to think that way more often.

  2. Replies
    1. I didn't walk around to see what was on the other side.

    2. Well, now you have an excuse to go back and fill us in on the rest of the sign :)

  3. It's always nice to be a part of the creation of something new! :)

  4. How interesting to see!! I don't look for photos for memes any more (I used to, but I've been blogging a long time). Now I just link whatever I have done that is interesting to whatever meme is appropriate. But your find for SIGNS is so good, it almost makes me want to go out on photo hunts again!!
